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From child passenger safety to drunk driving, our NHTSA research covers a variety of topics in the highway traffic safety world. The research found here stems from focus groups held around the United States.

If you have any questions regarding the research found here, please contact us.

February 2024

Click It or Ticket Rural Concept Testing

Purpose: To evaluate advertising concepts designed to influence young men (18 to 34 years old) in rural areas to wear their seat belts every time they drive or ride in a vehicle by promoting awareness of the costly consequences that go far beyond a ticket.

Click here to download report

January 2024

Distracted Driving Concept Testing

Purpose: To evaluate logo/tagline concepts for a campaign to influence men and women (ages 18 to 34 years old) to not use a phone while driving by highlighting the enforcement consequences of distracted driving.

Click here to download report


August 2023

Drive Sober Campaign Concept Testing

Purpose: To evaluate advertising concepts designed to influence young men (ages 21 to 34 years old) to plan for a sober ride by highlighting that a bad decision to drive after drinking alcohol could result in a DUI.

Click here to download report


April 2023

Buzzed Driving Prevention

Tracking study report for NHTSA’s Buzzed Driving campaign shows how campaign messaging is resonating with the target audience and affecting behaviors around drinking and driving. 

Click here to download report


Drug-Impaired Driving Prevention

Tracking study report for NHTSA’s drug-impaired campaign shows how campaign messaging is resonating with the target audience and affecting behaviors related to driving after consuming marijuana.

Click here to download report


January 2023

Distracted Driving Concept Testing

Evaluate how well concepts and message statements communicate the message to avoid driving while being distracted by cellular devices by promoting awareness of enforcement consequences to drivers ages 18-34 years old.

Click here to download report.


October 2022

Drug-Impaired Driving Concept Test

The purpose of this report was to evaluate how well concepts communicate the message to avoid driving after using marijuana by promoting awareness of the enforcement consequences to males ages 18-to 34-years-old.

Click here to download report.


Distracted Driving Mindset Research

This exploratory, qualitative research was designed to understand the mindset of drivers ages 18-34 years old, specifically how they think about distracted driving, potential law enforcement consequences, what shapes their behavior and how to effectively position law enforcement in advertising related to distracted driving.

Click here to download report.


Qualitative Research on Buzzed Driving

Ad Council and agency partners were interested in shifting the dialogue from drunk driving to “buzzed driving” and seeking learnings from a cross cross-cultural audience.

Click here to download report.


July 2022

Marijuana Impairment Mindset Research

This exploratory, qualitative research was designed to help get inside the minds of the target audience (males 18- to 34-years old) who consume cannabis and better understand consumption habits, language preferences, driving after consumption, and roles of advertising.

Click here to download report.


September 2021

Hispanic Air Bag Recall Campaign Creative Concept Testing

To evaluate three online banner ad concepts designed to build awareness among Hispanics around critical air bag recalls and the importance of getting them fixed.

Click here to download report.


April 2021

2021 Ride Sober TV Concept Assessment / Summary of Qualitative Findings

This report evaluates four TV concepts designed to increase the awareness among motorcycle riders of the law enforcement related consequences of riding their motorcycle while impaired.

Click here to download report.


March 2020

Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over / Focus Group Concept Assessment Market Research

This report evaluates concepts for four TV ads designed to educate the target audience of law enforcement-related consequences of drunk driving.

Click here to download report.