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Drug-Impaired Driving


Drug-impaired-driving prevention messaging is essential to any road safety communication plan, in all regions of the United States.

We offer communication resources for year-round social norming campaigns as well as high-visibility enforcement campaigns. While both campaigns help spread awareness and educate the public about the deadly consequences of drug-impaired driving and urge those who have been using drugs to get a sober ride home, the high-visibility enforcement campaign also includes messaging related to increased law enforcement during certain periods. 

Social Norming

If You Feel Different, You Drive Different

This campaign runs year-round, when high-visibility enforcement is not taking place, and focuses on social norming as a way of deterring drug-impaired driving.

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If You Feel Different, You Drive Different. Drive High, Get a DUI.

This high-visibility enforcement campaign runs during specific times of the year. Messaging should include the consequences of drug-impaired driving and be supported by increased law enforcement.

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Drug-impaired driving facts, stats and reports from NHTSA's National Center for Statistics and Analysis

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  • From 2019-2021, NHTSA conducted a study at several trauma centers and medical examiner offices involving drivers who were seriously injured or killed. The study found that about 26% of those drivers had active THC, which is found in marijuana, in their system.

    For facts translated in Spanish, visit

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