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Key Dates

  • November 23-30: Thanksgiving Campaign
  • November 28: Thanksgiving

Relevant, timely messaging is an important addition to any communication plan, as it creates an opportunity for engagement with the community.


We have themed material for Thanksgiving that reminds drivers: If You Feel Different, You Drive Different and that it's dangerous and illegal to drive impaired.

Social Media

Sample social media posts are available for you to use on your various social media platforms, including Facebook, X and Instagram.

This social media playbook contains sample social media content. Download this guide for instructions on posting the below playbook graphics to Facebook, X and Instagram. The content is designed for easy posting and seamless integration into your current social media strategy.

  • Coming Soon

Additional sample social media posts are also available for download. Images often help boost the engagement on social posts. Our image library, linked below in the Resource section, has a variety of images that you can associate with these sample social media posts.

  • Spanish Coming Soon

Talking Points

We've prepared talking points related to this topic. After downloading, we encourage you to add local stats and facts to the document. 

Earned Media

We've produced sample news releases that can be used for media outreach.

  • Spanish Coming Soon


Asset Type

  • Coming Soon

All social media platforms accept 1200x1200 graphics. If you need additional sizes send a request to

Additional Resources